There is something for everyone! Get involved!
Don’t underestimate the importance of having fun participating in school activities. Some of the best times and memories students have are the experiences of belonging to a club or participating in an after school activity. Clubs and activities are important to join just for the enjoyment that they will bring to most students, but they also allow the students to more easily make friends because the groups are small and they get to be themselves!
Clubs and activities provide students with many positive experiences that help them to become well-rounded individuals who are ready for college or the workplace. It helps students to become active in their school and to feel a connection the school and to others. It provides a sense of pride and school spirit and it is a positive influence on our youth today.
Chess Club
Old Hundred’s chess club is a chance for students to gather and play chess with friends before school once a month. There is no formal instruction, and all skill levels are welcome! Be on the lookout for the Monthly Sign Up (required to attend) in the weekly Hawk Headlines newsletter.
After School Enrichment
Our amazing PTA provides popular and beneficial after-school enrichment activities, revolving around art, wellness, and academics. These activities are highly attended by students! Sign Up information is sent out through the Hawk Headlines.
After School Enrichment Coordinator: Aaron Monroe at theaaronmonroe@gmail.com
Field Day
Lace up your sneakers and fill your water bottles! Field Day at OHES takes place in the Spring, and is a fun-filled, healthy, and super fun day of moving our bodies! Parents are always welcome to volunteer - the more the merrier!
Field Day Coordinators: Chris Bourne & Jenna Brown
Fall & Spring Book Fair
The students and families will enjoy the Scholastic Book Fair twice a year. Students will shop during their regularly scheduled library times and have the opportunity to shop after school during our Family Night!
Teacher Sponsors: Nancy Renwick & Michelle Sears
Walk and Roll to School Days
Each fall and spring, students and families are invited to join in National Walk to School Day! Walk & Roll to School Day Teacher Sponsors: Chris Bourne & Jenna Brown
Kids on the Move Run Club
Each Fall & Spring, our Kids on the Move Run Club meets before school on Wednesday mornings! In the past, Run Club students have also participated in Runs around Richmond like the Tacky Light Tour and the Ukrop's Monument Avenue Event! Signed permission forms are required.
Run Club Coaches Jaret Chilcote, Ekaterina Bagnell, Ashley Stiebeling & Joy Duncan
Parent Teacher Association
OHES has a very active PTA! Our PTA sponsors many exciting activities throughout the year.
In the past, these have included:
Fall Carnival
After School Enrichment
Movie Nights
Chess Club
Staff Appreciation Events
Be sure to visit our PTA’s website for up-to-date information on upcoming events.
Student Council Association
The purpose of the Student Council Association at Old Hundred Elementary School is to provide students with an opportunity to show leadership skills and develop a sense of accomplishment through projects that benefit our school and community.
SCA officers will be elected each year by the student body. Only 4th and 5th grade students can run for office. The president will be a 5th grader, while our and the vice president, secretary, treasurer, hospitality chair, service chair and historian will come from 4th grade & 5th Grade.
Each homeroom in grades 3-5 will have an SCA class ambassador, which will be elected by the class. The SCA class ambassador will attend SCA meetings to hear notes and updates and then share the information back with their classrooms and K-2 buddy classroom.
SCA will be assisting in many service projects including a food drive and Coats for Kids.
Teacher Sponsor: Janae Rogers
Watch D.O.G.S.
Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) is an initiative of the National Center for Fathering that organizes fathers and father figures in the community to provide positive male role models for the students and to enhance school security.
Watch D.O.G.S. typically begins in the Fall! Our program welcomes volunteers on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Once the Sign Up is live on our Parent Hawk Hub, please feel free to volunteer!
Please email Michael Goodwyn, Head WatchDOG, with any questions at: WatchDOGsofOHES@gmail.com.
Safety Patrol
5th Grade Students are selected annually to be Safety Patrols through an application process. These students are then selected by their teachers and have consistently shown good character. These students help the staff with safe arrival and dismissal.
Teacher Sponsors: Jenna Brown & Nirali Durbin
Spring Art Show
Annually, parents are invited to an after school event to view Art Show displays throughout our school building! Several pieces of artwork are then selected from the show to be permanently framed and displayed in our front office!
Teacher Sponsors: Bridget Hendricks and Claire Cullen
Musical Performances & Informances
Each grade level is spotlighted in a special themed performance or informance during the school year. Productions are performed for both students at school and at an evening event. Grade levels that have informances are invited in during the school day to participate in musical activities! Parents are always welcome to attend!
Teacher Sponsors: Jennifer Kirkbride & Rufus Johnson